Month: November 2008

  • Why the game industry sucks

    (Part 1 in an infinitely–long series.) Hot off the presses is the sadly unsurprising news that Mirror’s Edge, the daring (and dashing!) new first–person platformer from the developers Dice and the studio EA has yet to soar at store counters. Ignore that the post is based off conjecture and some solid rumors from the back…

  • Design lessons from Chrono Trigger

    This week sees the release of Chrono Trigger for the DS, an expanded port of the classic SNES RPG. For a game that has garnered a huge amount of critical and fan praise in recent years, outside of the misunderstood Chrono Cross (and a Japanese–only visual novel game) Square has avoided its usual tendencies to…

  • Falling off the Mirror’s Edge

    Mirror’s Edge is a wonderful game. It’s unique, visually stunning, and at moments provides some of the best gameplay on any gaming system this year. If you want to read paragraphs of flowery prose singing its praises there are plenty of other websites out there that will satiate that need. To the point, its more…

  • The amazing generic avatar

    Yesterday, Microsoft’s big Xbox 360 update, dubbed the New Xbox Experience (or informally the NXE) was released to the wide public after being hyped up for the better part of the second half of the year. It brings a host of improvements and new features that don’t need to be discussed here. One of the…