Author: Michael Lee

  • Meaning and moving on

    [This is a repost from my semester project mindful xp. Please check us out and see what I’ve been up to this year!] Last night we decided to put our 3rd game, Scott Told Himself, on developmental hiatus as we continue with different projects. This was not an easy decision. A major component of our…

  • Reporting for duty boss!

    New stuff is coming. Enjoy the lovely holidays and New Years.

  • Making a game in 48 hours

    Earlier this month I was lucky enough to talk as a speaker at the 2nd Triangle Game Conference right near me in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. My talk was on my experiences during rapid game development over the past year or so in a talk entitled “Short & Sweet: Making a game in 48 hours”.…

  • Finding the soul of your game

    Right now I’m nearing the end of development for Towerfall. What started off as a simple first prototype for my One Week/Game project has sorta become more involved to say the least. And at the end of development there’s still quite a few things to cross off my development checklist. But as I look back…

  • The narrow definition of experimental

    [Note: This blog post was revised and edited on April 21st] One of the major perceived advantages of being an indie developer is the freedom to be experimental with one’s games. As opposed to their mainstream brethren, indie developers do not need to deal with the pressures of making multimillion dollar AAA titles that necessitate…

  • Gamma4 entry for all!

    [The following is reposted from my other blog for the One Week/Game Project where I’m attempting to work on a new game very week for the entire year. You can read the original post here.] The first public release of my week 3 game for One Week, here is Monster Monster Monster Party Party Party.…

  • Steal this game idea!

    Copying another game has been a time-honored tradition in game development. You can go all the way back to the beginning where Pong beget numerous Pong rip-offs, Space Invaders lead to Galaxian, Pac-Man lead to Devil’s World, and Mario/Sonic lead to a bazillion different mascot platformers to see the proud tradition of stealing game ideas.…

  • Living the App Store dream

    If you want a clear picture on the life of an app in the App Store you could do worse than read Noel Llopis’s blog post on the 9-month saga of Flower Garden. It’s a story full of ups and downs and various travails complete with handy charts and graphs to illustrate his point. Noel…

  • Doing retro right (and wrong)

    Retro revivals are a hot commodity right now. With the advent of digital download services like Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, and WiiWare opening new opportunities for publishers to create games an incredibly popular option has been to mine the back catalogs of games with new old-school renditions of classics. Capcom started the trend with the…

  • A post-GGJ 2010 status report

    One Week/Game is a side project I’ve been trying to get off the ground this year. The premise is that I attempt to build a game of sorts every week throughout the entire year. As you may tell by glancing at the site, the start has been a little on the slow side. That being…