A start

The bushes are clouds. The clouds are bushes.Because even the grandest of journeys start with a single step.

In a few days I’ll get around to a proper About Me post, but first things first. The last thing the world needs is another blog. Especially another blog where the author gets to pontificate for a few weeks or months, gets bored after writing so many thousands of words, and lets it degenerate into another carcass on the internet (cough cough). That’s not to say that this blog won’t be the rule instead of the exception to the rule, but I’m going to try my damndest.

I myself am not a huge blog reader, but there are a few blogs I make sure to frequent. And perhaps the best blog in my blogroll (and perhaps one of the best blogs in existence) is Coding Horror written by Jeff Atwood. In a landscape where most blogs are single sentence entries posting to the newest YouTube video or another blog post (which is posting to a YouTube video) Jeff does something that goes highly unappreciated in the modern world.

He writes original content.

And not just original crap. He writes really good original content. It’s not a personal diary, it’s not a news aggregation site masquerading as a web log, he writes solid, informative entries about software development, programming practices, and other computer-related wizardry. Reading his blog on a daily basis is like attending a college lecture. One of those lectures with that really cool professor who was tough, but fair and knew his shit.

So I’m no Jeff Atwood. I lack both the experience or the knowledge to claim to be anywhere near as talented as he is. But I’m not claiming that I’m a peer. I’m just a 22-year-old guy trying to learn. But learning isn’t just reading and sitting around thinking, learning is nothing without application. And that isn’t just going out and doing something with your newfound knowledge. A wise high school teacher once told me that if you can’t explain something to someone then you don’t really know it in the first place. That’s what this blog is. As I discover new ideas (or just steal great old ones) I hope to talk about them here. And if my explanations make no sense that’s a sign that I’ve still have ways to go.

So that’s the underlying purpose of this blog. Like Coding Horror focuses on software development, gamedrinkcode will focus on games and game development. And I’m going to run with that where even the most tangential of topics are fair game. So one day you may get a post talking about neat coding feature in Actionscript and the next day one detailing the games of Toshio Iwai and then the next day me complaining about the Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

So enjoy the ride.


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